Can Parrots Eat Watermelon?

Last Updated on November 25, 2022

Parrots like to eat healthy, juicy, and delicious fruits. Most people like to eat watermelons and want to know if they can share a watermelon with their feathery pet. So, here in this article, I will discuss whether parrots can eat watermelon. Are they healthy for parrots?

It is entirely safe for parrots to eat watermelon, as it is rich in fibre, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Parrots like eating the healthy, juicy pulp and delicious seeds of watery fruit. For healthy nutritional benefits, parrots should be fed watermelon in moderation. 

Watermelon is safe for parrots, and now you may want to know other things related to parrots, such as how to serve watermelon to parrots. How often can parrots eat watermelon? What are the edible and non-edible parts of watermelon? And you should also know the nutritional benefits and side effects of watermelon. Let’s start the discussion.

Watermelon For Parrots:

Watermelon is a healthy fruit for parrots; you can serve watermelon to parrots as snacks because they are low in calories and high in nutritious value. So if you add watermelon as a proper food portion, it may not fill your parrot’s tummy, or they will over-consume watermelon to fill their hunger.

That’s the reason you should serve watermelon as a snack, so your parrots may eat it in limited portions and can have proper nutritional values. So always make sure to serve in limited quantities, and don’t forget to cut watermelon properly so that parrots can eat it appropriately.

Watermelon For Parrots

Watermelon is a watery fruit, so it keeps parrots hydrated for a long day, and they will feel fresh for a long time. It will also cherish parrots’ moods, and they will be more interactive and playful than usual.

Here I will discuss more interesting things related to watermelon so that it will be helpful for your understanding, and you should serve watermelon to parrots accordingly.

How Many Watermelon Can You Serve To Parrots?

Watermelon is an entirely safe fruit with low calories and is enriched with water content and other nutrients, so you can offer watermelon to parrots. While serving, note the size of a watermelon. You can serve watermelon to parrots within 15-20%. The exact quantity of watermelon you need to serve depends on the parrot’s health, size, and age, but make sure to serve the watermelon just as a healthy snack.

Serve Watermelon To Parrots

How Can You Serve Watermelon To Parrots?

There are different ways to serve watermelon to parrots, such as:

  • You can cut the watermelon into small pieces and serve one to each parrot.
  • Also, cut watermelon for parrots into circular disk form.
  • You can also serve it in small strips form. 
  • Watermelon can be served with other fruits.
  • You can also feed watermelon-dried seeds to parrots anytime as a snack.

Here I have described different parts of the watermelon, so you should be familiar with how and often you can serve them to parrots.

Watermelon is an entirely safe fruit with low calories and is enriched with water content and other nutrients, so you can offer watermelon to parrots. While serving, note the size of a watermelon. You can serve watermelon to parrots within 15-20%.

The exact quantity of watermelon you need to serve depends on the parrot’s health, size, and age, but make sure to serve the watermelon just as a healthy snack.

Watermelon Juice:

Parrots can have watermelon juice, but you shouldn’t make watermelon juice for parrots the same as you made for yourself. Yes, you have to be careful about it; you can’t add any additional ingredients like sugar, salt, and other things in it while preparing for parrots. Parrots can also prepare watermelon juice, as when they eat watermelon or pinch pulp, it will excrete juicy liquid within leftover watermelon, so you can also feed that to parrots.

Watermelon Seeds:

Parrots can also eat watermelon seeds as they are healthy and don’t contain any harmful substances. But before serving watermelon seeds to parrots, make sure your parrots like to eat them or not. If your parrots don’t feel comfortable, then avoid feeding them.

You should also avoid feeding watermelon seeds to baby parrots; they may choke them and cause indigestion. You can also serve dried watermelon seeds to parrots, but make sure to dry them in natural sunlight.

Watermelon Rind:

Watermelon rind is not recommended for parrots because the surface of watermelon mostly has a wax coating to prevent insects and pests and makes a shiny coating to improve its shelf life. They may have pesticide residues, too; although watermelon has less pesticide content than other fruits, it may be dangerous for your parrot’s health.

Watermelon Rind for parrots

Still, if you want to serve watermelon rind to parrots, you can serve organic watermelon rind to your parrots.

And make sure to wash the watermelon rind properly with fresh water, and you can also soak it in hot water with a vinegar solution for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it appropriately. This method will lessen pesticide content.

Health Benefits Of Watermelon To Parrots:

Watermelon is enriched with multiple nutrients such as potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, magnesium, dietary fibre, protein, carbohydrates, and other healthy nutrients, so they provide different health benefits to parrots, such as:

  • Improve hydration level.
  • Good organ health.
  • Improve skin health.
  • Boost the immunity of parrots.
  • Suitable for solid muscles.
  • Reduce Inflammation.
  • Healthy feathers.
  • Healthy heart health.
  • Great for the digestive system.
  • Control blood pressure.

These health benefits also depend upon the parrot’s health, age, and species. But in general, watermelon can provide all these benefits to your parrots.

Precautions For Serving Watermelon:

Watermelon is not toxic fruit, and it will not create any harmful effects until you serve them in proper limited portions and moderation. The excess consumption of nutrients like iron and protein can be dangerous for your parrots if you provide them with an excessive amount. Otherwise, it will create adverse effects on parrots.

Other than this, note the time while serving watermelon to parrots; if your parrots eat watermelon within two hours, it’s okay, and after two hours, stop feeding that watermelon to parrots. Because after two hours, bacteria can start building up into that watermelon, so don’t serve them.

Also, you can soak the watermelon seeds overnight to prevent choking issues.


Watermelon is a flavorful and nutritious fruit for parrots, and there are different nutritional benefits that I have shared in this article. All you need to do is to serve watermelon to your parrots in moderation.

I have shared detailed information about watermelon for parrots, so you can follow this article before serving watermelon to parrots. You can ask me in the comment section if you have any further questions.

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