Can Parrots Eat Nuts And Dried Fruits?

Last Updated on November 29, 2022

Parrots usually require a healthy and fresh diet, such as green vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, etc. Not all fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts benefit parrots. So in this article, I will discuss Can Parrots Eat Nuts And Dried Fruits? Are they healthy?

Parrots can eat nuts and dried fruits, which are healthy and enriched with various nutrients. Serve unsalted nuts to your parrots in moderation. Dried fruits are a healthy addition to daily parrots’ diet. You can offer it occasionally according to your parrot’s choice.

Parrots can eat dry fruits and nuts. You might want to know about edible nuts and dried fruits. How to serve? How do they benefit? And what are the side effects of overconsumption of nuts and dry fruits? So, in this article, you may learn everything about nuts and dried fruits for parrots.

Nuts And Dried Fruits For Parrots:

Nuts and dried fruits are both healthy for parrots and are not just food options for parrots in captivity. Parrots in the wild also eat nuts and dried fruits.

Sometimes fruits that fall off from the trees get dried. After some time, parrots like to eat these dried fruits when they do not have fresh fruits. Because in the wild, parrots usually eat what they get.

Both dried fruits and nuts are healthy and completely safe for parrots if served in limited food portions. You might be wondering which nuts and dried fruits are edible for parrots.

Nuts And Dried Fruits For Parrots

Edible Types Of Nuts For Parrots:

Not all nuts are edible for parrots, so here I will share some edible varieties of nuts for parrots, but one thing to keep in mind is that you shouldn’t always serve full nuts to your parrots as they contain extra salt and preservatives. Always feed your parrots natural nuts if you can get them. Otherwise, don’t forget to wash them properly before serving.

Pine Nuts:

Pine nuts are one of the best for parrots, as they are enriched with vitamins and minerals, so you should serve pine nuts as snacks to parrots and always serve them in moderate food intervals due to their high-fat content.


Almonds are also healthy and safe nuts for parrots. Most parrots love to eat almonds as they contain several nutrients beneficial for parrots’ health, such as vitamins, calcium, protein, and fiber. So, a little serving of almonds is healthy.

Macadamia Nuts:

Unsalted macadamia nuts are healthy for parrots, but you should serve them according to your parrot’s health and preferences, as some parrots may not like eating them.


Raw and unsalted cashews are safe and delectable for parrots. They contain various nutrients such as magnesium, manganese, iron, phosphorus, vitamin K, B6, and others. So, a moderate intake of cashews is healthy for parrots.

Cashews for parrots

Brazil Nuts:

Brazil nuts are also healthy, and it is said that a limited portion of brazil nuts to your parrots in a week can provide them with all essential nutrients tied with nuts.

Other Nuts:

You can serve other nuts, such as walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, and mixed nuts, to your parrots in moderate amounts. They are safe for parrots only if you serve them as occasional treats.

Edible Dried Fruits For The Parrots:

All dried fruits, whether commercially dried, frozen- dried or sun-dried, are edible and highly nutritious for parrots. They are a healthy addition to your pet food as they contain minerals, vitamins, and other essential nutrients.

Dried fruits may contain excess sugar content, which is why a limited amount is required to maintain good health. Let’s discuss the types of dried fruits your parrot can eat and enjoy.

Commercially Dried Fruits

Sulfide; is a harmful substance used to make the fruit dry. These fruits are dangerous for the parrot’s health, may develop allergies, and badly affect your parrot’s health. It is good to check the ingredients before you buy dry fruits from any food store.

Freeze Dried Fruits

Sulfide; is a harmful substance used to make the fruit dry. These fruits are dangerous for the parrot’s health, may develop allergies, and badly affect your parrot’s health. It is good to check the ingredients before you buy dry fruits from any food store.

Sun-Dried Fruits

Homemade natural sun-dried fruits are also healthy and safe for your parrots. It is the best option; it has no extra ingredients and no risk of preservatives. So, depending upon the taste of your parrot, you should serve a small portion of dried fruits to your parrots.

Freeze-dried fruits are more crunchy, while sun-dried fruits are chewer than fresh fruits. Many parrots love to chew as it is their instinct. Don’t forget to feed fresh fruits to your parrots, as fresh fruit is more nutritious and safe for parrot consumption.

How Often Can You Serve Nuts And Dried Fruits To Parrots?

Nuts and dried fruits should always be served in moderation so that you can serve nuts twice a week or add a small number of crushed nuts into other food three to four times a week.

How Often Can You Serve Nuts And Dried Fruits To Parrots

And same as dried food, you can serve it as snacks, two to three times a week in little portions. Depending on the type of fruit, an appropriate serving should be limited.

How To Serve Nuts And Dried Fruits To Parrots?

Nuts and dried fruits are healthy if you serve them appropriately. Nuts are usually salted, and you cannot feed salted nuts to your parrots. Besides this, dried fruits may contain additional sugar content and preservatives, which can also be an issue for parrots’ health.

There are various ways to serve dried fruits and nuts to your parrots, such as;

  • You can offer nuts as snacks, 
  • Alone or mixed with other seed mixes
  • You can sprinkle it over the food.
  • Crush nuts and add them to any food your parrots like to eat. 
  • You can hand-feed nuts to your parrots. 
  • You can serve both raw and roasted nuts to your parrots, 
  • But if you have little parrots, roasted unsalted nuts are better. Also, like dried fruit, you can cut them into small pieces, hand feed them, and serve them as a fruit salad.

Precautions For Serving Nuts And Dried Fruits:

Although nuts and dried fruits are healthy and safe for parrot’s health, there are some essential things to know while serving nuts and dried fruits to parrots, such as:

Serving Nuts And Dried Fruits for parrots
  1. Always serve fresh and unsalted nuts to your parrots. Because nuts contain high oil content, they become rancid easily in warm weather.
  2. If you have nuts in large quantities, you can only keep them at room temperature for one month, but after that, you have to keep them in an airtight container or jar in the refrigerator for more than six months. So, while serving them to parrots, you need to know how to keep nuts fresh so that your parrots can’t get any adverse effects.
  3. Always wash nuts like cashew, mixed nuts, pistachio, and others, as if you are purchasing from the market, they will have an extra salt layer that can disturb your parrot’s health.
  4. Raw bitter almonds should never serve your parrots.
  5. Always check the nutritional values label before serving parrots.
  6. Packed Dried fruits from the store shouldn’t serve your parrots, as they may contain additional ingredients and preservatives.
  7. It is better to avoid serving dry fruits and nuts to your parrots late at night.
  8. Always serve dried fruits and nuts as snacks and treats; don’t help them as proper food meals.
  9. The dried fruit and nuts portion should always be smaller while serving parrots.

Health Benefits:

Both nuts and dried fruits are healthy and provide various health benefits to parrots. Every dried fruit and nut has specific nutrients, thus providing different benefits. But in general, nuts and dried fruits can provide the following benefits to your parrots.

  • Reduces diabetic.
  • Overcome heart diseases.
  • Keeps parrots full and energetic.
  • Helps lower the cholesterol level of parrots.
  • Healthy for parrot’s brain functioning.
  • Reduces inflammation.
  • Good sources of beneficial nutrients.
  • Rich in antioxidants.
  • Boost the immune system of parrots.

Health benefits also depend on the quantity and quality of your serving, so always serve in a moderate amount.

Side Effects:

Although nuts and dried fruits are safe for parrots consumption, they can lead to severe issues, if you don’t serve them properly or in moderation, such as:

High in sugar and calories:

Dry fruits are high in sugar and calories, so serving in excess can lead to severe health issues, such as diabetes, indigestion, stomachache, gas, bloating, and other problems.

Allergic Reactions:

In some cases, parrots get allergic to food, such as if you serve improper or excess nuts and dried fruits; parrots can get allergic, which can cause mouth itching, irritation, nausea, swelling, and other issues.

High in salts and calories:

Talking about nuts can also disturb parrots’ health, as parrots can eat only unsalted nuts. Salted nuts and high calories can cause severe health issues.


Parrots can eat nuts and dried fruits, but you should serve them in moderate amounts, as there are different side effects of an excess serving of nuts and dried fruits discussed in this article. Besides this, I have shared almost all relevant things to clear your thoughts, and you should always serve appropriately. For any queries, ask me in the comment section below.

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