Can Parrots Eat Fries And Potato Chips?

Last Updated on April 1, 2022

The food varieties of parrots in the wild and captivity are somehow different, as domestic parrots are little picky eaters and their owners usually love to feed them varieties of food. Still, one important thing to be concerned about is, it should be healthy. In this article, I will share Can Parrots eat Fries And Potato Chips? Are they healthy for parrots? And other basic things. 

Parrots can or can’t eat fries, but you should never serve potato chips to parrots. Homemade cooked fries may not be unhealthy for your parrots, but an excess amount can create several issues. Besides this, potato chips are a processed junk food snack and can cause severe problems for parrots, so avoid feeding potato chips to parrots. 

It may be confusing for you, but nothing to worry about. In this article, I will cover almost all relevant things about fries and potato chips so that you can have the proper knowledge and can serve them accordingly. 

Fries And Potato Chips:

Fries and potato chips are considered junk food items and not recommended for parrots’ daily routine. But if you want to serve fries to your parrots, you can serve an occasional treat in a limited portion. But while serving potato chips, you should not serve market-purchased chips because it can create adverse effects. 

Deep-fried fries are also unhealthy, and you should not serve them, so you should know some important things before serving your parrots so that you may not serve improper and unhealthy portions of fries to parrots. 

So, let’s discuss all of this basic information.

How Often Can Parrots Eat Fries And Potato Chips?

If you want to serve fries to your parrots, you can serve a limited amount once a month. It is okay for your parrots and will not cause any issues. Besides this, processed, packed potato chips are not for your parrots, so avoid feeding. But you can serve homemade potato chips and wedges for parrots.

How To Prepare Fries And Potato Chips To Your Parrots?

You can prepare homemade, less cooked, and fresh fries and potato chips for your parrots. You can serve them in a bowl or can hand-feed them. All you need to do is cut the potatoes into small thin pieces and cook them for a while. You cannot prepare them in an excess amount of oil, as deep frying is a big no for your parrots. So, always prepare baked, broiled, or less cooked fries and potato chips for your parrots. And ensure to prepare in fresh oil.

Fries And Potato Chips

Here I will discuss some types of fries and potato chips so that you can know the information and can serve them accordingly. 

Raw Fries:

You may not know about it, as most pet owners used to serve raw fries to their parrots. But in actuality, raw fries are unhealthy for parrots, and you should not serve raw fries. Because raw potatoes contain a high amount of starch content, they can cause severe health issues to your parrots.

Raw Fries for parrots

Cooked Fries:

Cooked fries, such as freshly baked, roasted, and broiled, are okay for parrots feeding, but deep-fried fries are not healthy for them. Although fries should rarely serve, taking care of safety measures is a key part to play. Also, don’t over fry or overcooked fries for your parrots.

Fast Food Fries:

Fast-food fries, such as Mcdonald’s, KFC, and other packed purchased deep-fried fast food, are poisonous for parrots as they have added nutrients and some preservatives so that fast-food fries consumption can cause health issues. 

Processed Fries:

Market purchased processed fries, local or from well-known restaurants; both ways are not suitable for parrots. As the making of processed fries uses white flour, white sugar, salt and has a high amount of preservatives and artificial flavors. So, serving processed fries in little quantity can be dangerous for your parrot’s health.

Sweet Potato Chips:

Sweet potato chips can be okay for parrots, depending on their preparation method. If you prepare them at home in the oven or bake them, it can be healthy and safe for parrots to feed. In fact, they are considered more beneficial than the fries because sweet potatoes contain various nutrients such as calcium, potassium, folate, vitamins, and others. So moderate or proper serving of sweet potatoes can be a tasty and healthy food treat for your parrots. 

Potato Chips:

Now, come to the other most important type, potato chips are basically considered junk food, and most people eat them as a snack. Still, if talk about parrots, then as you know, parrots’ digestive system is weaker than humans, and they cannot digest processed preservatives and high-fat junk food. So you should not feed potato chips to your feathery pet.

But here, I will share another condition. As an alternative to packed potato chips, you can prepare fresh broiled, roasted potato chips for your parrots without adding other ingredients such as spices and other flavors.  All you need to do is cut smaller, circular, thick potatoes, wash them properly and then dry them with clean paper or cloth, or simply roast or steam them. So, you can prepare potato chips in this way as an occasional treat for your parrots. 

Do Fries Have Any Nutritional Values And Benefits?

Fries are not as healthy for parrots because parrots’ digestive system is smaller than humans, but research shows if you serve fries to parrots in a limited portion or in an appropriate way. Then it may provide some health benefits because it is enriched with these nutrients:

Fries And Potato Chips for parrots


A little protein intake is healthy for parrots and helps parrots maintain a healthy life. Also important for growth and development. 

Vitamin C:

Vitamin C is also essential for parrots and provides various benefits such as lowering blood pressure and heart diseases; it also boosts the immune system of parrots.

Vitamin B6:

Moderate intake of vitamin B6 is healthy for the brain functioning of parrots, and it also prevents several diseases such as nausea, anemia, and others. 


Magnesium is also important for parrot’s health, as it helps fight against inflammation and lower heart diseases and is healthy for overall body functioning.

Side Effects Of Fries And Potato Chips:

Fries are okay for parrots if you serve homemade. Otherwise, both fries and potato chips are junk food and can cause severe health issues to your parrots; here, I have shared some of the main side effects:

  • Lower the immunity of parrots.
  • Stomachache.
  • Heart health issues.
  • Gas and bloating.
  • Unhealthy digestive system.
  • Kidney issues.
  • Sleeping issues.
  • Inflammation. 

Thus, always avoid feeding potato chips, or whenever you serve fries, ensure to prepare it at home and serve in limited portions.


Parrots can eat fries and potato chips, depending on the serving method. So there are different things related to fries and potato chips discussed in this article for your appropriate understanding. I hope this article will be helpful for you, and after reading it, you will try to serve accordingly. If you have any other questions about this article, you can ask in the comment section; I will be there to sort out all your queries.

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