Can Parrots Eat Mashed Potatoes? Are They Healthy For Them?

Last Updated on October 25, 2022

Parrots are the most active, social, playful, and joyful bird species. Their dynamic nature requires a lot of fresh and full nutrients in diets that require regular schedules. Parrots eat many things, such as dry fruits, veggies, seeds, fresh fruits, and small insects and reptiles. Now the question is can parrots eat mashed potatoes? Are they healthy for parrots? Do they like to eat mashed potatoes or Not? Let’s take a look at brief answers to these questions. 

Most parrot species love to eat mashed potatoes. You can add mashed potatoes to the parrot’s regular diet. Potatoes are enriched in carbohydrates and trace minerals and are healthier foods for parrots. Mashed potatoes are the best way to serve your parrots as they and their babies easily digest them. 

Potatoes are a universal diet, and each living beings love to eat them. Similarly, mashed potatoes are one of the favorite foods of parrots. They are high in nutrients and are beneficial for parrots’ health. Mashed potatoes are light and easy to digest, so they help enlighten parrots’ digestive systems. 

Here we want to know more about parrots and mashed potatoes. Such as what are the nutritional values of mashed potatoes. How much-mashed potatoes can parrots eat? Can baby parrots eat mashed potatoes? So, let’s discuss detailed information about mashed potatoes.

How can Parrots Eat Mashed Potatoes?

Mashed potatoes are one of the healthy diets to feed your parrot. Mashed potatoes, such as boiled, baked, and cut-up potatoes, are suitable for parrots’ diets. You can regularly offer them to your parrots in moderation. Mashed potatoes are the parrot’s favorite diet and are rich in natural nutrients.

They are also good sources of Vitamin A and contain high amounts of carbohydrates such as starch. Mashed potatoes are soft and easy to digest. They are helpful for the digestive system. 

Can Parrots Eat Mashed Potatoes

Parrots can eat mashed potatoes daily as a main meal as well. Avoid offering potatoes in french fries, crisps, and corn chip forms to parrots, as it can cause choking. 

Can Baby Parrots Eat Mashed Potatoes?

Yes, baby parrots lovingly feed on mashed potatoes as they are soft and do not need much energy and chewing. So offer them mashed potatoes so they can easily digest them and enjoy their healthy food.

Can Parrots Eat Raw Potatoes?

No, you can not feed parrots raw potatoes. It can harm their health. They are rich in starch which can cause impaired glucose levels and indigestion because raw potatoes can take time to digest.

Can Parrots Eat Boiled Potatoes?

The best way to serve potatoes to parrots is to boil them. After boiling, cut them into cubes or mash them for parrots. 

Can Parrots Eat French Fries?

Never serve parrots french fries as they have high-fat content in them. The high-fat oil can cause stomach disturbances like gas and bloat in parrots. So avoid feeding french fries to them.

Can Parrots Eat Potato Peels? 

Never serve the remaining potato peels to your parrots, as it is unsafe for parrots. An enzyme protease is present in it, which has inhibiting effects and can prevent other enzymes from digesting food properly. It can lead to serious complications for your parrots.

Nutrition Values Of Mashed Potatoes: 

Parrots in the wild or captivity need complete nutrient-rich foods for healthy growth and a long lifespan. If I talk about mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes, they have calcium, potassium, sodium, copper, carbohydrates, proteins, and other nutrients and amino acids in good quantity. 

They are easily accessible from every market, including superstores. They are convenient in their preparation. Potatoes also contain Vitamins, such as vitamins A, C, and B6, and magnesium and minerals.

Are Potatoes Healthy For Parrots:

As discussed earlier, potatoes are a healthy diet for parrots. Potatoes are safe until they are served in moderation. Excessive quantities of potatoes are harmful to parrots. Potatoes are rich in carbohydrates, so their rich starch content can cause impaired glucose levels and even diabetes in parrots. 

Benefits Of Potatoes For Parrots:

Potatoes may seem a weird food choice for parrots, and most don’t eat potatoes in the wild. But potatoes contain a good quantity of nutritional benefits. So they are a good food choice for all living beings, including parrots. 

Pet parrots can easily eat mashed potatoes, and there are different benefits of potatoes, such as:

  • Potatoes are universal foods. You may use it after buying too much or not wanting to eat anymore. So, in that case, instead of throwing potatoes, you can feed them to your parrots, which can help get rid of the food that was supposed to be thrown away. 
  • Parrots can eat potatoes daily as a proper meal but in moderation. So it is pretty sustainable to feed one single food at many intervals. 
  • Potatoes are nutrient-rich food for parrots, and parrots can have a lot of health benefits having potatoes. 
  • Health benefits include proper digestion, more energy, and a long lifespan.
  • Potatoes are highly beneficial for parrots in winter, as they are a good source for getting enough energy to survive.
  • Carbohydrates in potatoes are most effective for getting energy. 
  • Mashed potatoes are easy to cook daily and take no time to prepare a meal.
  • Daily cooked mashed potatoes are fresh for parrot’s consumption, healthy food other than packed food.
  • In addition, you can add mashed potatoes to parrot treats as they love them.

How To Serve Mashed Potatoes:

Mashed potatoes are an excellent food to eat for your parrots. They are healthy and soft food. You can mix mashed potatoes with some seeds, such as sunflower seeds, and also serve crushed potatoes in small pieces.


You can serve mashed potatoes in the form of solid smoothies or the form of mashed cubes. Add a small quantity of boiled chicken to mashed potatoes for flavoring. Boil them till the potatoes are soft, and then mash them. Potatoes are also a good choice for parrots; they usually love to eat them more than regular potatoes. 

When To Serve Mashed Potatoes: 

You can feed mashed potatoes to your parrots regularly, with a proper portion. You can offer potatoes to parrots anytime, but the best time for feeding is early morning. They can be served to the parrots when they are tired after playing. At that time, mashed potatoes can be a source of energy for parrots and recharge them.


Mashed potatoes are one of the favorite diets for parrots. They can frequently eat mashed potatoes in their diet. They are a healthy food choice for pet parrots, helpful for active metabolism, and good for digestion. If you have any queries, you can ask us, and we will answer them.

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