Can Parrots Eat Beets? Is It Nutritious For Them?

Last Updated on October 27, 2022

Parrots are the most active and social birds. For this active lifestyle, they need excessive energy. So to maintain this high energy level, they require rich energy diets. If I talk about vegetables, parrots can eat almost all vegetables. Now a question arises can parrots eat root vegetables? Can parrots eat beets? Are they healthy? 

Parrots can eat almost every vegetable, and beets are not an exception. They always love to eat beets. They are healthy and nutritious for parrots. They are rich in folate, which helps form new blood cells in parrots and prevents anemia.

Along with fruits, vegetables are also important food for the daily diet schedules of parrots. Vegetables are much healthier than fruits. Beets are also healthy to eat. You can give them to your parrot. If you are naive and want to feed your parrots something healthy, learn important and related information about beets. So let us find all the answers in this article about beet’s safety and its health benefits for parrots.

Why Can Parrots Eat Beets?

Beets are rich in nutrients and flavorsome for them. Beet leaves and red beets are edible. Beets contain high amounts of folate and carbohydrates, providing instant energy and preventing anemia in parrots.

Beets, also known as beetroots, are the taproot part of the plants and usually are red. Beetroots are highly nutritious.

So, we will discuss in detail the health benefits and types of servings of beets. We will also discuss whether baby parrots can eat beetroot or not. How and when can we serve them? Let us get started!

Can Baby Parrots Eat Beets?

Yes, you can feed beets to baby parrots, but it depends on their age. You can start serving beets to baby parrots in 6th week. Beets are hard, contain fiber, and take time to digest. So, you cannot feed raw beet to baby parrots as they cannot chop them. So offer them boiled beets as they are easy to chop and digest.

Can Parrots Eat Raw Beets?

Yes, parrots can eat raw beets. They are the best choice for them. Raw beets contain more nutrition as compared to cooked or boiled. So it’s best to serve raw beets to parrots in moderation. You can serve them chopped, crushed, smashed, or in small cubes to your parrots, so they can hold them to eat.

Can Parrots Eat Cooked Beets?

Yes, parrots can eat cooked beet, but cooking can reduce their nutritional value. You can serve boiled beets to parrots, not fried or pickled. For cooking beets, boil them in water for almost 20-25 minutes or until they soften. 

You can freeze boiled beets after draining them and serve them occasionally to your parrot mid-day, usually in the summer. You can also store cooked beets in the fridge for later use. 

Cooked Or Raw Beets for parrots

Both conditions are suitable for parrots’ eating but make sure to know how your parrots want to eat beet plants and serve them according to their taste. 

Can Parrots Eat Beet leaves?

Parrots can eat beet leaves. These are rich in nutrients and fibers. You can feed your parrot leaves as they provide essential nutrients to meet their nutritional demands. You can serve them after boiling; they become soft and edible.

Can Parrots Eat Canned Beets?

Never feed your parrots on canned or tinned beets, as they are dipped in rich sweet syrup, which is unhealthy for parrots. High sugar content in canned beets can impair glucose levels in parrots.

How to Feed Beets to Your Parrots?

Parrots can feed on whole beets. Beet’s green and red parts are the source of good nutrients. So, the whole beets are suitable for the parrot’s regular diet. Ensure to feed fresh beets to your parrot. 

The best way to serve beets to your parrots is in crushed, smashed, chopped, or small cubes and boiled forms. If you feed in big chunks, your parrots may refuse to eat beets and their parts.

Serve Beets To Your Parrots

When To Serve Beets To Your Parrots?

You can serve beets to your parrots anytime, but the best time to feed beets to your parrots is early in the morning or after extensive exercise. Beets are rich in carbohydrates so they can provide parrots an instant energy. Ensure to feed your parrots in moderation.

Nutritional Values of Beets:

Beets are rich in nutrients. They provide so many health benefits to parrots for their proper functioning.

Vitamin A:                                                                                                         

Beets contain high amounts of Vitamin A. Vitamin A is essential for their eye health. The deficiency of vitamin A causes many health issues in them.                                   

Vitamin A deficiency is mainly overlooked in the parrots’ diet as it is not present in all foods. Beets are the major source of vitamin A, so they can be used to overcome Vitamin A deficiency. They also benefit parrots’ immune system, kidneys, brain, and vision development.

Vitamin C:

Vitamin C in the beets is also important for parrots, as it helps maintain the immune system and is also helpful for strong bones. It is also beneficial for regulating sugar levels to lower blood pressure. Vitamin C is also a natural antihistamine and anti-inflammatory, which keeps the blood thin and prevents clotting.

Nutrition Values Of Beets for parrots


Antihistamines are natural proteins in the body that help to reduce inflammation. They are also used in medicines to treat allergic symptoms, fever, hives, etc. They prevent parrots from many allergic reactions and keep them healthy. 


Anti-inflammatory proteins in parrots help them reduce inflammation of bones and muscles in case of any injury or normal. They also help parrots to fight many diseases and make their immunity strong.


Beetroots are enriched with proteins. Protein is used to build bones and strong muscles. It is an essential nutrient for parrots’ health. The protein deficiency in the parrot results in retarded growth and reduces egg size and production. 


The dietary fibers present in the beetroots are beneficial for parrots. They help in normal bowel movement and are important for proper digestion.

Other nutritional ingredients of beets vegetable include:

  • Calories: 35
  • Proteins: 1 gram.
  • Fats: 0 grams.
  • Carbohydrates: 8.2 grams.
  • Sugar: 6.1 grams.
  • Iron: 0.5 milligrams.
  • Sodium: 250 milligrams.
  • Fiber: 1.2 grams.

Things To Remember About Beets:

Beets are rich in carotenoid pigments, which are responsible for their color. So while preparing the beets for parrots, it can leave stains on your hands, so use disposable gloves to avoid staining your hands. Furthermore, beets are rich in carbohydrates. If served excessively, it can cause glucose impairment in parrots and lead to diabetes. So ensure to serve them in moderation.


Beets are a healthy option to feed parrots. They can provide numerous health benefits. They are their favorite diets, and they love to eat them. Add beets to your parrot’s diet, as they can fulfill their protein and carbohydrate demands by providing instant energy and keeping them healthy and active. I am confident that after reading this article, you can serve a proper amount of beets to your parrots to achieve their optimum health benefits. Please let us know in the comment section if you have any queries. We feel honored to answer you.

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