Top 10 Most Friendly Parrots In The World

Last Updated on October 21, 2022

Parrots are the best affectionate pets because of their friendly nature. However, every one of us wants to have a pet bird. There are 402 species of parrots, out of which only 20 species are kept as pets. So are you willing to pet a parrot? Do you want to know about the most friendly parrots in the world? Then we will give you all the necessary information about the friendliest parrots.

In fact, most parrots are nice, loving, friendly, talkative, and close to their owners. There are some very common, cuddling, and easy-to-tame parrots. This list includes the most famous cockatoos, African grey, Macaws, cockatiels, etc. 

Although parrots can mimic the sounds they listen to, so they are called talking birds. Different parrot species have different traits and qualities. People love to have a friendly and good temperament parrot as a pet. So the social nature of parrots is the most important trait for choosing a pet parrot.

In this article, I will discuss the top 10 most friendly parrots in the world. Let’s get started!

10 Most Friendly Parrots:

There are different characteristics and traits to notify the most friendly parrots in the world. But most parrot birds are friendly, and their friend zone also depends on how much time the owner gives the parrot. It also depends on taming the parrot. 

If you have tamed your parrot on your own, it’ll be more friendly with you. Here is the list of the top 10 most friendly parrots in the world, and all of them are friendly, pleasant, and calm. 

1. Cockatoos:

There are many parrots, but Cockatoos are the most friendly parrots in the world. They are lively and playful, like to spend time with their owners, and love to cuddle with them. Cockatoos are loving and loyal and sometimes seem to behave like dogs more than birds. 

These birds love to be pampered. However, they require much care, love, and their owner’s time. If ignored, they become irritated and show obsessive behavior. White cockatoos are more friendly than all other cockatoos species. 


2. African Grey Parrot: 

Compared to Cockatoos, African grey parrots are at the top for their beauty, intelligence, and friendly nature. However, the African grey parrots are intellectual, loving, and friendly parrots who love to interact with their environment. 

They show too soft a temperament. They are talkative and try to learn new things from their owners. They are among the most popular pet choices because of their intelligence and friendly behavior.

3. Macaws:

Macaws are one of the cherished and most demanding species of parrots. Hyacinth  Macaws are more social than all other species of macaws. They love nothing more than spending time with their owners. They love to play for a long time and love to be pampered by their caretaker. 

However, it’s tricky to have hyacinth macaws because of their Giant size. Everyone can not provide ample space for this parrot pet. Macaws are a favorite choice for pets other than size due to their loving and friendly behavior. 

4. Cockatiel:

Compared to Macaws, it’s easy to handle and keep cockatiels parrot pets. They are medium-sized parrots. Cockatiels are known as very loyal and playful companions. They are quite social birds as they love to live in flocks in the wild. However, Cockatiels are trained easily and are very good at mimicking sounds. 

They are super friendly with their owner. They only need their owners’ perfect taming, time, and care. These little birds are gentle and soft and love to keep as pets. They want to be near you and seem happy when around you. They are generally friendly, but an untamed cockatiel may not.

5. Parrotlets:

Parrotlets are a friendly parrot bird choice. They can be super familiar when you hand-feed them. They feel good if their owners spend time with them and handle them. Parrotlets are small-sized parrots with all the good characteristics a parrot should have. 

Furthermore,  they are friendly, playful, and curious birds and always want to learn new things. Generally, they are pleasing-tempered, excited, affectionate, and willful. You can tame them easily as per your need.


6. Amazon Parrots:

Amazon parrots are the most friendly and love to make interactions. This parrot species is a good entertainer and is one of the most familiar and happiest kinds of parrot breed. They are mostly gentle, loveable, and quite social in their behavior.

They can talk and sing, both with excellent vocal abilities. While they are loving, they are also one of the most active parrots. They are easy to train and a good pet parrot for beginners. They are calm and cute but sometimes become so aggressive.   

7. Small Parakeets: 

Small parakeets belong to the family Psittacidae of parrots. They include small birds with slender bodies and long tails, including parrots like budgerigars, conures, rosellas, etc. they have beautiful color patterns and combinations. Parakeets are of various sizes and are excellent talkers with a good ability for mimicry.  

However, they are the most gentle and obedient breed of parrots. They are talkative with all humans in their surroundings. They are a good choice for parrot pets, as most children like them because of their charming color combinations and small sizes.

8. Lories and Lorikeets:

It is one of the unique members and belongs to the Psittacidae and subfamily Loriinae of parrots. They have short tails, with rounded or square body shapes, and are bigger than lorikeets, while lorikeets have long tails and are smaller in size. They are relatively quiet but playful and friendly. The color combinations are beautiful. If you can provide an excellent adequate diet, this can be a perfect bird for you with a calm, exceptional, friendly nature. 

Moreover, they are famous for their laughable tricks and friendly behaviors toward humans. Rainbow lorikeets are one of the most social kinds of parrots that love to dance, talk, play, and provide lots of fun and companionship to humans.

9. Conure:

They are friendly and clownish birds, loud and curious. Conures are an excellent choice for experienced bird keepers and they need attentive and loving relationships. There are different conure species worldwide, which are a good choice for pet birds. 

Green-cheeked conure is an excellent choice for a family pet. However, the bird is small, friendly, active, and quiet. Still, they are good learners and seem good friends to their owners.


10. Pionus Parrots:

They are not as famous as other parrots because of their looks, but one can quickly feel attracted to them. Pionus do not need daily or all-time interaction. They are independent enough to be happy playing on their own. 

Pionus are soft-tempered but non-social birds. They are quiet and non-aggressive. They are good friends, but they take their time to make interactions. However, after some taming, they can show good interactions. They are excellent companion parrots that should not be overlooked or overcare. 

Other Breeds of Parrots

Small Cockatoos, Large Conures, Eclectus Parrots, Hawk-headed Parrots, Macaws Parrots, Large Cockatoos, Poicephalus, Large Parakeets, Small Conure Parrots, Caique Parrots, and Lovebirds are considered friendly parrots than other species. 

So all of them can be listed as friendly parrots of the world. Every parrot species is social but slightly different because of nature, taming process, less interaction, breeding time, and other characteristics that make them loud and aggressive. Other than this, all are good kinds of friendly parrot species.


Finally, most parrots are friendly, loyal, sweet, talkative, and loveable pet choices in this world. People love having a nice pet as a source of joy and happiness. So, we have discussed the most friendly parrots in the world in this article.

In the end, parrots are a good pet choice for individuals of every age. They are significantly less harmful than other parrot breeds, but with some care and taming, they become good friends of yours.

With a bit of care and taming, they can be good friends of yours. 

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