Can Parrots Eat Biscuits?

Last Updated on November 11, 2022

Parrots usually love to eat snacks, which their owners offer them occasionally. Before feeding any human snack to parrots, you should thoroughly know about them so that your parrots may not get any side effects. In today’s article, I will discuss can parrots eat biscuits. Are they healthy for parrots? All essential and basic information about biscuits.

Parrots can eat a small number of biscuits, but only some types are healthy. Whole wheat or plain biscuits are suitable for parrots occasionally. Chocolate or high-sugar content biscuits are not ideal for parrots. It is better to ignore every kind of biscuit for parrots.

As I have mentioned, only some kinds of biscuits are edible for parrots, so before feeding, you should know what kind of biscuits parrots can eat or not. So, I will share complete details about biscuits in this article. Now, let’s start the discussion. 

Why Can Parrots Eat Biscuits?

Parrots can eat biscuits, but only those made up of whole wheat and less sugar. Biscuits are all-time snacks you can enjoy anywhere, anytime. While eating the biscuits, most pet owners offer them to their parrots, but you should not do so, as it can disturb your parrot’s health.  

Biscuits For Parrots

Biscuits are usually flour-based baked food items. Biscuits are sweet and savory, like crackers, usually containing sugar, chocolate, icing, jam, butter, nuts, and other flavors. These ingredients are unhealthy for parrots, so you cannot serve these biscuits. 

In this article, I will share some safe and edible biscuits, so you should always feed those biscuits to parrots. The most preferred way to prepare biscuits is homemade. Homemade biscuits are healthy and good for parrots to serve as snacks. Now, I will share some facts about biscuits related to parrots in the next section. 

Are Biscuits Healthy for Parrots?

Biscuits do not contain proper nutritional values, so they are not considered healthy for parrots. Still, some types of biscuits may provide some benefits to parrots. Biscuits contain saturated fats and refined sugar, which are completely toxic for parrots, so it is not recommended to serve biscuits. 

Suppose you want to serve small amounts of biscuits to parrots. It would be best if you served biscuits to parrots, providing nutritional value to them. Some healthy types of biscuits, which I will discuss later, can boost the immune system and helps the digestive system.

So, a small amount of healthy biscuits is good for parrots. Besides this, feeding biscuits to parrots can lead to severe health issues, which I will share at the end of the article. So, nutritionists and veterans must serve biscuits to parrots in moderate or small amounts to avoid side effects. 

Can Parrots Eat Sugar-Coated Biscuits?

Parrots cannot eat sugar-coated biscuits. They are harmful to parrots, as parrots cannot digest sugar content. So it would help if you never fed sugar-coated biscuits to your parrots. Minor consumption of sugar-coated biscuits can cause indigestion, stomachache, bloating, dizziness, and nausea, in parrots.  

Parrots Eat Sugar Coated Biscuits

They are usually made of sugar, butter, vanilla, cornflour, crushed sugar, baking powder, baking soda, eggs, and flavor ingredients. Now, you can decide on the ingredients list whether biscuits are safe for parrots.

Can Parrots Eat Chocolate Biscuits?

You may know it before; parrots should never eat chocolate biscuits. They are unhealthy for parrots because of their chocolate content; biscuits contain a tremendous amount of calories, fats, and sugar. So it is toxic and the worst kind of biscuit for parrots. 

Can Parrots Eat Rich Tea Biscuits?

Parrots should never eat rich tea biscuits. Many people consider rich tea biscuits safe for parrots. The rich tea biscuits are of highest in calories, like chocolate biscuits containing sugar, malt extract, vegetable oil, cornflour, or wheat flour. All of these ingredients, except wheat flour, are unhealthy for parrots.

Since they are high in calories, sugar, and fat, it is not an excellent option to serve rich tea biscuits so far, as they can disturb parrots’ health. 

Can Parrots Eat Marie Biscuits?

Parrots can eat a small amount of Marie biscuits once a month. If you are eating Marie biscuits and want to feed them to parrots, then a few chunks or half a piece of Marie biscuit is sufficient to serve, but not more than this portion. They are made of whole wheat vegetable oil and do not contain refined sugar. 

That is why you can serve them to parrots, but not more than the recommended amount, as overconsumption can disturb your parrot’s health. 

Can Parrots Eat Ginger Biscuits?

Parrots can also eat ginger biscuits; they are considered healthy biscuits for parrots, as they contain natural herbs, wheat flour, and ginger powder, which are healthy and safe for parrots. So, a moderate amount of homemade ginger biscuits two to three times a month is suitable for parrots.  

Remember, only fresh homemade ginger biscuits occasionally are suitable for parrots; excessive consumption of healthy biscuits also causes harmful effects. 

Can Parrots Eat Nice Biscuits?

Parrots can eat nice biscuits, but feeding feed only occasionally is recommended. Nice biscuits are plain biscuits and come in coconut flavors. They are high in calories but low in fats and sugar content. So, it will become less dangerous for parrots, but as high in calories, you should not serve them in a normal routine. 

So, a moderate portion of nice plain biscuits and coconut biscuits is good, but keep your parrots from eating nice biscuits, as it can cause problems for you if your parrots demand nice biscuits after alternative days. 

Can Parrots Eat Homemade Biscuits?

Parrots can eat low-sugar, or without sugar, fewer calories in homemade biscuits, as they are not harmful to them. You can add natural herbs and ingredients to your biscuit while preparing for parrots. Remember to feed occasionally so that they may not create any adverse effects.

Like other biscuits, homemade biscuits are served moderately, so you should serve 1 or 2 pieces to your parrots. Avoid adding an extra amount of ingredients to homemade biscuits. A homemade ginger biscuit is the perfect biscuit option for parrots. 

Which Biscuits Are Low in Sugar?

Considering the nutritional needs of parrots, low-sugar biscuits are the best option to serve parrots. It is unlikely that any side effects will occur. There are different kinds of low-sugar biscuits on the market, so you can choose one according to your taste.  

Biscuits Are Low In Sugar for parrots

You can also serve fresh low, fat, sugar, or homemade biscuits to your parrots. Some low-sugar biscuits include the following options:

  • Nutri choice essentials.
  • Britannia Biscuits.
  • Nairns Oats Biscuits.
  • Ginger Biscuits.
  • Homemade without sugar biscuits. 

Are There Any Nutritional Benefits Of Biscuits For Parrots?

It may depend on the type of biscuits, but parrots generally have no proper nutritional benefit. However, low-fat and sugar, plain biscuits, and ginger biscuits may benefit your parrots.

  • A high-fiber biscuit keeps parrots full for a long time.
  • Ginger biscuits help to overcome diseases like nausea, vomiting, and others.
  • Digestive biscuits may overcome heart issues.
  • Digestive biscuits are also healthy for the digestive system.
  • Whole-wheat or oats biscuits are a good source of B-complex vitamins and dietary fiber.
  • Whole wheat biscuits also improve body metabolism.

Before serving biscuits to parrots, you should check the ingredients list because biscuits are generally less healthy and more toxic. 

Side Effects Of Biscuits on Parrots

Not every kind of biscuit is edible for parrots, especially highly refined flour and sugar biscuits are toxic for parrots. So, if you serve unhealthy biscuits to parrots, or serve them in excessive amounts, then it may affect the parrot’s health and can cause severe health issues, such as

  • It can cause allergic reactions, such as nausea, constipation, itching, irritation, stomachache, and other issues.
  • It may cause diabetic issues and indigestion.
  • It may also increase the risk of cancerous diseases.

Besides this, the side effects usually depend on the types of biscuits or the serving quantity. Still, I have addressed the general issues that parrots can face after using improper and excess biscuits. 


Parrots cannot eat biscuits as regular food, but you can serve a moderate amount of some specific types of biscuits to parrots which I have shared in this article. I have shared complete details about biscuits so that you can properly serve biscuits to parrots if you want to serve them occasionally. Besides this, if you’re going to ask any questions, you can ask them in the comment section, and I will answer all your queries. 

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